viral customizable video proposal: ermenegildo zegna

a viral video envisioned to drive traffic and awareness for the launch of zegna cologna. the contest presented a chance to win a custom tailored suit manufactured by zegna.

the portal site allows the user to enter a person's name or nickname and have a customized video e-mailed to the recipient whom in turn can do the same. the short film presents a sunset beach-side setting, where a silhouette of a woman walks out of the water towards the camera. from off-camera, an unseen man hands her a suit jacket to cover her. the female italian voice-over, blended with the background sound of the waves, thanks her savior using the entered custom name. title 1: "you can always use a second pair of zegna's" title 2: enter to win a custom tailored pair of zegna at the

one of the most exciting outcomes of this viral idea that shifted the original plan, was the proposal to target female vs. male mailing lists for this customized and interactive video creation. the idea was to have the video be created and sent by a woman to her boyfriend, husband, male friend or coworker to insure a higher chance of the e-mails being read and allowing a third party to introduce the contest and the product to the actual end user.